Aero taxi

Private jets can take you anywhere in the world, regardless of regular flight schedules. However, most of the time, the high price of a charter flight on a business jet creates an obstacle in the way of comfort and speed.
A business jet is a private jet meant for transporting small groups of people.
Jet sharing is a cross-sectional rental of one or more seats on board of a private jet, the amount of which is commensurate with the price of business class on a regular flight.
Jet sharing benefits
You can share your business jet seats with other passengers and save up to 90% of the total flight cost.
- You can fly to any city you want within hours;
- This is much more convenient than buying a ticket for a regular flight;
- Passenger service takes place through CIP terminals on the route;
- Absence of traffic jams, rapid customs clearance;
- Safety and confidentiality;
- Promptness in getting tickets or no need for them;
- Your favorite pets can stay with you in the cabin.

For whom and in what cases this service will be appropriate:
- businessmen and politicians;
- sportsmen;
- doctors;
- who do not want to rent a whole business jet for a single trip.
The cost of flights on this system is set transparently.
The main factors for calculating the flight are:
- The total number of passengers on board, each paying a portion of the total cost of the charter;
- Choice between an airplane seat and a comfortable mini sofa;
- The model of the aircraft;
- The range of the flight;
- Number of connections/stops per route.
If you are looking for an inexpensive way to rent a private jet, this option is perfect for you.
Откуда | Куда | Когда | Тип воздушного судна | Свободных мест |
Tashkent | Moskow | 20/01/2024 19:15 | Global 6000 | 2 |
Tashkent | London | 22/01/2024 06:00 | Gulfstream G450 | 5 |
Tashkent | Kuala-Lumpur | 03/02/2024 12:10 | Falcon 8X | 10 |
Tashkent | Jeddah | 14/06/2024 03:00 | Gulfstream G700 | 12 |