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Airline history

Stage I

The first prerequisites for the creation of the airline “Samarkand Airways” go back to the distant 90s of the time of perestroika, as well as in the period after the collapse of the USSR in independent Uzbekistan.
From 1989 to 1995, the International Airline (IAC) “Asia Air” successfully operated on the market of Uzbekistan to organize charter flights. Base airport – Samarkand.

In 1989-1992 passenger charter flights were regularly operated on the following routes:

  • An-12 Samarkand-Omsk-Samarkand.
  • An-24-RV Samarkand-Urgench-Rostov/Brest/Lvov.

Starting from 1992, the Tu-154-B aircraft carried out flights along the following routes:

  • Samarkand-Delhi/Karachi/Sharjah-Samarkand
  • Samarkand-Aleppo/Istanbul-Samarkand
  • Chimkent-Ashgabat-Jeddah-Chimkent.

Later, due to the lack of intergovernmental agreements on air communication between the Republic of Uzbekistan and foreign countries after the collapse of the USSR and the independence of Uzbekistan, as well as the regulatory legislative framework that was imperfect at that time, Asia Air could not pass the certification process of the airline and completed its activities.

Stage II

In 2005, Samarkand Airways was established in the form of an Uzbek-American joint venture. The company received the Air Operator Certificate No. 7-0 of the State Inspectorate of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Flight Safety Supervision.

In the same year, upon obtaining a state license for air cargo transportation on domestic and international airlines, codes were assigned to Samarkand Airways for domestic and international flights.

ICAO code – UZS; IATA codes – C7 / 732

The main activity of JV “Samarkand Airways” was aimed at providing aviation and forwarding services that best meet the needs and wishes of customers.

Samarkand Airways JV provided cargo and passenger charter services, cargo, parcel and mail forwarding services, flight support services, passenger air transportation sales and tourism services and was the General Cargo Sales Agent (CGSA) for several airlines operating flights to / from the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Neobrandenburg / Cologne – Termez.
Trenton (Canada) – Siauliai – Urgench / Ashgabat – Kabul
Shaterou – Urgench/Nukus – Termez
Shenzhen – Tashkent – Navoi

The activities of Samarkand Airways were suspended in 2015 due to the prevailing difficult market conditions that are not conducive to the successful implementation of economic activities and changes in the legal framework in the field of certification.

Stage III

On December 29, 2020, the revival of the Uzbek-American airline Samarqand Airways LLC took place.

The main foreign founder of Samarqand Airways LLC is also UMS LLC, a transcontinental corporation based in Kentucky (USA) and specializing in cargo and passenger charters, as well as providing flight services and aviation consulting. UMS, LLC has been successfully operating in the markets of Central Asia and Eastern Europe since 2005.

Other founders of the airline are private Uzbek investors, aviation industry specialists with rich and successful experience in the air cargo and passenger transportation market.

On January 8, 2021, a meeting was held between representatives of the Uzaviatsia Agency and Samarqand Airways LLC, at which approval was received to revive the airline’s activities.

Negotiations are underway with partners on leasing aircraft of a suitable type, and work is underway to select candidates for the airline’s staff.

On January 14, 2021, following the results of previous meetings, the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved the provision of air transportation services by Samarqand Airways. Currently, “Samarqand Airways” is preparing documents for submission to the “Uzaviatsia” Agency for obtaining an Aircraft Operator Certificate