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Passenger air transportation

To save time, which is always limited, there is a need to book a charter plane to get to your destination city as soon as possible. It is very important to get to the other side of the world within a few hours, but flight planes are not suitable in time, or, even more inconvenient, they can only be reached with a connection.
In order to avoid such inconveniences Samarqand Airways offers you its services on a charter plane.

Charter (charter flight) – the word “Chart” from English means “to hire a ship” – is a flight that does not follow the normal schedule and is organized by the airline at the request of the client. Mainly customers are travel companies who need to rent a plane.

Charter flights can be used at any time of the year, anywhere in the world and in any direction, depending on the needs of the passengers. Once a group of passengers is recruited, the flight organizer rents a suitable plane from the airline and arranges transportation on a given route. These flights may use both large passenger planes (for large groups) or very small passenger planes.

Passenger air transportation

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Should I use charter flights?
It is certainly more convenient to fly without a connection on a charter flight if there is no direct scheduled flight from the city to your chosen destination, and a charter flight offer is just that, available.


What kind of charter flights are there?

  • Split – a flight with a connection, where you fly part of the way on a regular flight and part of the way on a specially rented plane.
  • Shuttle – a plane that takes one group of tourists and immediately picks up another so you don’t fly empty.
  • Time charter – a plane that takes you on a trip, waits for you in a hangar, and then brings you home.
  • A one-time charter is a flight in one direction only: for example, the plane takes people to their destination and immediately flies back.


The advantages of air travel for passengers by charter:

  1. a charter is created individually for passengers, and planes fly to places where regular flights don’t exist at all;
  2. it is a considerable saving of money: charter flights are cheaper;
  3. charter flights are organized according to passengers’ individual needs, so they can book the flight according to their wishes. This is something that regular flights cannot offer;
  4. when using a charter, you choose the tour operator with the right level of service for you.

All in all, passenger air travel is not just a mode of transportation, but also an important component in the development of the world economy and society as a whole.